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A piece of tech advice

I do love a gadget.

I even have an electronic cajon which has a built-in set of samples, triggered when I hit the top of the front panel. The DJ scratching sample is admittedly pretty redundant for any music I’ll be playing, but anyway, my nerdy e-cajon is a story for a different day. As I sit typing this on an iPad, with my wrist buzzing with notifications on my Apple Watch (it’s a lobby call reminder - we’re due downstairs in 30 minutes to rock the hell out of Belleville), it turns out I’m actually lamenting the newest addition to my gadget armoury. I will tell you now unequivocally that a Bluetooth padlock is as unnecessary as it sounds. I turned up to this tour, fresh-faced and freshly packed with a suitcase safely secured by what I considered to be a pretty slick piece of tech. A padlock, merely £30 from Amazon, that is operated by my fingerprint.

A key - what is this, 1990?

A combination code - what I have I got, endless time on my hands?

No no - just a quick press of the sensor and voila - hello to all of my belongings. What a millennial.

Anyway, that’s all well and good until the battery runs out on the Bluetooth padlock. Yep that’s right, it’s as dead as a dodo - all my stuff is locked in a suitcase by a currently-unrevivable £30 Amazon Bluetooth padlock. Pushing my finger on it does nothing.

A key doesn’t seem like such a bad idea now.

I guess the real point of this blog is to ask, Belleville, does anyone have any spare pants?

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